Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
New Look
The staff at the Chicago division of 2GL put in a few hours over the weekend reformatting the layout of this rag. Rest assured, the blather will remain unchanged.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Dancing Children In Utah
In any event, the Utah authorities learned where this dance party would be at about noon on the day of the rave. I don't know what they were up to between noon and 11 p.m.
But, at 11 p.m., after the party had been going on for two hours, the Utah authorities showed up at the party with ... get this ... a CHOPPER! And a SWAT team dressed like paramilitary ninjas with assault rifles! They shut it down then they hit the crowd with tear gas!
Check out this first hand testimonial from a DJ, and this video.
2GL reached one of the city elders for comment:
Even if this was not a law, which it is, I'm afraid I would have a lot of difficulty endorsing an enterprise which is as fraught with genuine peril as I believe this one to be. Besides the liquor and the drugs which always seem to accompany such an event the thing that distresses me even more, Ren, is the spiritual corruption that can be involved. These dances and this kind of music can be destructive, and, uh, Ren, I'm afraid you're going to find most of the people in our community are gonna agree with me on this.
Everybody cut, everybody cut...
Friday, August 26, 2005
Update on Republican Criminal Conduct
Not yet an indictment of Cunningham, but can there be any doubt that one is coming down the pike?
Cunningham has assumed the criminal aura of Nixon, who, although he was never as unpopular as Bush is now, conducted himself in ways that even the most wilfully reason-blind Republicans refuse to defend. Let's see if any of them come to the defense of this sinking ship.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Puppies Man, Puppies!
Thanks for Drudge for this sickening story. Turns out we were right about the French. These are some sick bastards.
Live From 2GL's Senior Iraqi Criminal Justice Correspondent...
...Past that, we’ve been mortared pretty regularly the last few nights, which is always a choice event. Thankfully, they don’t ever seem to hit their mark, but it keeps the blood pumping and ground shaking. Usually, I can hear the discharge AND impact – so, at least that softens the surprise. Above all, it’s nowhere near what others face here – and I make sure to remind myself of that every time I hear some clap-jackass speak of events in these ridiculously Hemingway-esque overtones. And the fact, every time I keep quiet and walk off without comment just might be a beacon of hope toward my own personal growth & pending maturity. Thanks Dr. Phil – right back at’cha!
Nonetheless, these last couple mornings they’ve also detonated a number of coordinated car bombs – with a number small gun battles nearby. Sadly, I found none of this at all too surprising and half-expected as much with the recent constitutional gridlock. Speaks volumes of how this insurgency works – and what its aims for (which in the end, is civil war). Time will tell, but things are pretty sobering here at the moment. Over years into this – one would think “the enemy” would not be able to shoot mortars at the US Embassy or detonate car bombs at will inside the capital – one would think. Worse, I’m getting the feeling that many folks here around the Embassy - especially after eavesdropping on conversations around the chow hall - seem to be in denial about reality on the ground (the best seems to be “hey, there were German insurgents after WWII!....So, this is natural.”). One has to wonder if the rose colored glasses come in prescription – or bifocals.
We also received word that one the CCCI judges - that handled only Iraqi v. Iraqi cases (not ours) - was assassinated. I did not know who he specifically was, but I would imagine I had seen a number of times. In response, all of the judges were in meetings all day – and all cases were postponed. If anything, the news underscored the pressures here – and again, reality on the ground.
On a related note, we’ve also been watching an escalating number of our cases result in dismissals at trial. Although we routinely had weaker cases dismissed before (which in my opinion is a positive), this new plot twist has been incredibly frustrating. A couple dying quail convictions here and there, this trend has intensified over the last couple weeks – to the point where it has reached Robin Ventura-esque proportions (if you’re not a baseball fan – well, shame on you – anyhow, just Google ‘Robin Ventura, slump’ – the analogy should be much clearer – also, pay no mind to anything about him getting throttled when he tried to rush the mound against Nolan Ryan in the early 90s – well you can if you want, it’s your call).
Even more distressing, this jurisprudential bear market seems to have very little to do with the facts– near identical, strong cases scored convictions weeks and months earlier. Note: Ironically, the Iraqi government is currently working an anti-terrorism bill that would allow Iraqis - and us - greater flexibility in prosecuting a number of insurgent cases. Not surprising, Iraqi Penal Code does not address or envision much of the criminal activity we bring before the Court. And the Iraqi judiciary has been loathe to interpret the IPC accordingly - strict constructionism in action.
Anyhow, by the process of deduction, it’s not hard to see how events and politics continue to influence the criminal justice process here (which makes me ever more the thankful for the system – albeit imperfect – we have back home). In many ways, one could argue that how our cases turn out tends to be a bell-whether of developments on the ground. Not to serve as an apologist for the Iraqis, but the CCCI is caught in a precarious position. The Court does not want to be seen as a pawn on the United States. And truth be told, if things turn sour, those who serve at the CCCI (judges and prosecutors) want to be able to maintain that they retained their independence throughout. Note: Although they have been promised housing in the IZ, all of the judges that hear our cases still live in the Red Zone – which to this day, I find appalling.
Further, the Iraqis know that our authority to hold detainees under U.N. Security Council Resolution 1546 is set to expire in December – and may not be renewed. They also know we have a detainee population that has almost reached maximum capacity. Although the CCCI still operates – and hears Coalition Forces cases - pursuant to authority granted by the Coalition Provisional Authority (which was then extended by the TAL – Transitional Administrative Law) – once the Iraqis sign their constitution, they may no longer have any obligation to hear our cases. Moreover, they simply not want to hear them as well – for political and security purposes. In a nutshell, there’s a touch of grey in the air of late.
Lest I forget, we also have a new KBR chow hall now in the IZ. They moved everything out of the Embassy Palace – and now we eat in this “structure” a few minutes walk away. The quality and logistical planning is really something to behold – eating and finding a place to sit serves as ample evidence that Chaos Theory is indeed real and ever-present. Even more impressive, the building “structure” isn’t secured either. A ‘celebratory AK-47 round’ came through the roof the other day. Evidently, it hit the tray of a women standing in line to get salad. Who knew?? People in Baghdad - randomly shooting off AK-47s into the air??? Well, evidently not Halliburton or KBR. But hey, I’m sure both were properly reimbursed for hiring cheap, international labor to construct the “building” in a matter of weeks. And equally critical, the Embassy now has more office space. Note: I’ve actually heard more than my fair share of stories everywhere I’ve been of people being killed or severely injured by celebratory AK-47 rounds randomly fired into the air. I’m not concerned, I’m sure Wayne LaPierre is all over it. So keep those NRA donations comin!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I attended a Major League Baseball game over a week ago. The game sucked as the Texas Rangers were playing Sammy Sosa and the Orioles. I got bored thinking about Sammy's fall from grace and pitifully (maybe it was the 5 beers)yelled "go sammy" in an attempt to drown out the boos during his at bats. I sat on the first base line, 4th row, in oven like conditions and while beeds of sweat dropped down my man boobs, I observed the hot dog vendor walking up and down the stands. This poor guy had a large metal box strapped to his neck that was weighed down further by the thick insulation that helped keep the dogs warm. Must have weighed 30lbs. I thought to myself, as I observed people around me conversing on mobile phones and sending emails on blackberrys, surely in this day, we can think of a better way to sell hot dogs at a baseball game than strapping a metal oven to some poor guys neck.
US Civil War Inevitable: Enlightened v. Flat Worlders
I am so sick of Republicans today, especially the religious retards. I hope Pat Robertson gets hit by an errant US scud missile.
I pray hypocritically.
Thanks to the blogosphere for allowing me to rant and feel like someone cares.
Any of you loyal 2GL subscribers have tips on catching redfish and/or coastal trout. I plan on heading to Rockport, TX for the weekend and am looking for some literature on the topic. Thanks in advance.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Another Military Parent Against The War
This time Michael Coleman, the Mayor of Columbus, Ohio. His son is a Marine in a Company in Iraq that has lost 16 fine young Americans in the last four months.
Our prayers are with you and your son, Mayor Coleman.
HT: CC, who, remaining stubbornly pro-war, obviously takes a different tack.
Today's Bible Lesson
Pat Robertson, a moral beacon of Christianity for right wing Americans, gives us today's reading.
The doctrine of assassination may be unclear at times, but verily, if assassinating a leader from another land is cheaper than war and will not diminish thine oil supply, the Lord instructs his followers to exercise no mercy in assassinating that leader. To do so is holy and just if the leader controls a vast pool of oil which rightfully belongs to true Christians.
Thanks Pat. I'm sure you've made Jesus very happy.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Response to Abe's Post: "White House Flailing"
Deceit as a tool to confuse is another practice that creates hostility between reasonably minded, informed Americans and the administration. Abe's post is exactly why Bush's approval ratings are so low and why he finds it so difficult to gain international support in anything he does. Trying to link our current problems back to 9-11 is silly, dishonest and insulting to informed Americans. Sure there are many Al-quada operatives in Iraq, that is not disputed. They are there because we are in Iraq. They have never been in Iraq before. We are in Iraq because we bought into a war that was premised on shakey supporting evidence passed on as reliable and trustworthy. Once we(those who do not support this war for the right reasons(think about that)) learned we could not trust at face value what the Bush Administration says, we, as is human nature, were skeptical of any official statement by the administration. Its kind of like when your girlfriend catches you in a lie that deals with you being drunk with an 18yr old, 109lb blonde girl with size GG mammaries(see, i.e. Aviator) and your cell phone was mysteriously out of battery. Trust is lost and skepticism afoot. Now, if you are a Bush supporter and a ra, ra, bush lover, you stick to your guns and support the war at all costs, believing the great amount of bullshit coming out of these guys' mouth. But, if you are a Republican and not all that fond of W(and there are a lot of you, remember 2000 election) you change your opinion along with folks like me because you are no longer able to trust what your government does. In the end, I would like to be simple minded and have a fanatic mentality of my party(see i.e the hacks over at CC and J.Spoof) much like I do of the Dallas Cowboys. But, I am not naive or selfish enough to think this is about winning the argument at all costs like the Bush administration does. In reality, mistakes are always made, better options always pushed aside for selfish promotion and sight always lost due to small thinking of self interested individuals. What kills me is that spun statements, like the one on Abe's post, are so prevelantly given by the administration and I think they honestly expect me to believe all errors so far have been minor. Give me a break, Iraq is a disaster and WE THOUGHT we had "Mission Accomplished". They showed their cards on that carrier and they were so wrong. The Bush Administration has fucked up majorily, now lets work together to clean up his mess. I think all we want is acknowledgment that he needs help.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
White House Flailing
COOPER: Well, let me just try it a different way. I mean, do you believe that the White House -- does the White House believe they were completely realistic in their planning for the war and or after the war, for the peace?
DEVENISH: Well, I don't think after 9/11 that anyone had any delusions about the viciousness of the enemy we face, of the ferocity with which they were fighting.
COOPER: No, we're not talking about 9/11, I'm talking about the war in Iraq.
DEVENISH: We're talking about the same enemy. We're talking about the same enemy. We're talking about an enemy that shares an ideology that believes that our way of life and our freedoms here are diametrically opposed to their grim vision for recreating the Middle East to a terror base and launch attacks.
"DEVENISH" is NICOLE DEVENISH, WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR. Yes, when asked about the Bush Administration's failure to adequately plan for the Iraq war, the White House has nothing more to say than: "9-11".
How embarassing.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Bush Family Values
Today, in the fifth year of his presidency, Bush breaks the record for the most vacation days ever taken by a sitting president -- a record it took Ronald Reagan eight full years to establish. He justified his kicking back during a time of national crisis by stating that he has to "get on with his life."
Just like his momma taught him.
Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it’s gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Oh, I mean, it’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
Barbara Bush, March 2003
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Greedy Republicans....You Live By It You Die By It
Ohio Governor Taft will be charged with four(4) misdemeanors for alleged criminal conduct. Allegations include Taft's participation in "coingate" and illegal golf outings. And we are expected to believe W. won Ohio in '04?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Yankee Fan Jumps 40 Feet from Upper Deck
How drunk do you have to be to jump off the upper deck of Yankee Stadium onto a foul ball protective net? This kid gets my respect for stupid human tricks.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
"I'm A Struggle President" Just Doesn't Have That Ring
As we here at 2GL explained over a year ago, the Bush Administration misnamed the War on Terror. Can't have actual war against a concept. A struggle against violent extremism? That sounds about right to us. It also sounds right to the Pentagon (even Rummy!), which has consciously stopped using "War on Terror" in its lexicon, and has replaces it with the "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism."
But, just as Bush overruled the Pentagon when it objected to torturing people, Bush has overruled the Pentagon on its choice of nomenclature.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Torture Watch
Hours after Mowhoush's death in U.S. custody on Nov. 26, 2003, military
officials issued a news release stating that the prisoner had died of natural
causes after complaining of feeling sick.
... not under the Bush Administration. What really happened?
On the morning of Nov. 26, 2003, a U.S. Army interrogator and a military guard grabbed a green sleeping bag, stuffed Mowhoush inside, wrapped him in an electrical cord, laid him on the floor and began to go to work.
Again.It was inside the sleeping bag that the 56-year-old detainee took his last breath through broken ribs, lying on the floor beneath a U.S. soldier in Interrogation Room 6 in the western Iraqi desert. Two days before, a secret CIA-sponsored group of Iraqi paramilitaries, working with Army interrogators, had beaten Mowhoush nearly senseless, using fists, a club and a rubber hose, according to classified documents.
Make no mistake. This type of abuse is the direct result of White House brainstorming.
This is Bush's America.
Is it yours?
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