Torture Watch
Hours after Mowhoush's death in U.S. custody on Nov. 26, 2003, military
officials issued a news release stating that the prisoner had died of natural
causes after complaining of feeling sick.
... not under the Bush Administration. What really happened?
On the morning of Nov. 26, 2003, a U.S. Army interrogator and a military guard grabbed a green sleeping bag, stuffed Mowhoush inside, wrapped him in an electrical cord, laid him on the floor and began to go to work.
Again.It was inside the sleeping bag that the 56-year-old detainee took his last breath through broken ribs, lying on the floor beneath a U.S. soldier in Interrogation Room 6 in the western Iraqi desert. Two days before, a secret CIA-sponsored group of Iraqi paramilitaries, working with Army interrogators, had beaten Mowhoush nearly senseless, using fists, a club and a rubber hose, according to classified documents.
Make no mistake. This type of abuse is the direct result of White House brainstorming.
This is Bush's America.
Is it yours?
I found it interesting that after the London bombings many of the stories noted the culprits' displeasure with alleged incidences of torture and abuse. I try to step off my perch and see the world from their culture and try to figure out what makes a human being behave in this manner(very touchy feely). Others don't ask why they choose to drop bombs. Not to say that we didn't need to wage war after 9-11, but a bit of understanding and winning the "war of ideas" sure makes sense to me. Now I am not a partisan Democrat, I agree with a great portion of the Bush Administration's foreign policy. I take pride in saying that because I think its easy to be a partisan hack like the guys out at CC or Judgement Spoof and the rest of the pundits that are self interested. You see I form my opinion, not what I think is the opinion of a liberal or the party. I spend a great deal of time reading about cultural and religious issues in the Middle East and in the pacific. I think dealing unilaterally with the likes of Kim Jong Il would show a certain level of approval for his insanity and evil. Iran's nuclear plants need to be destroyed immediately before they have nuclear capability. And, on a side note, we need to make it clear to Kim Jong Il now that if a nuclear weapon goes off within the borders of the United States, we will assume he had something to do with it and we will drop over one hundred nuclear bombs on North Korea. I am not looking for a rise on that statement, NK has the weapon and they are willing to sell it to those looking to destroy our way of life. Now that I have been all over the map, I am out.
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