The Hidden Venom and Subtle Fury
Remember the Republican National Convention?
Here's what they were hiding.
Nutjobs or wackjobs? We report, you decide.
Remember the Republican National Convention?
The folks hanging off the right wing of our fine country have recently been bragging about the "scalps" in the MSM they've "collected" - meaning Rather and Eason Jordan. They compare this to Gannongate and scoff "Jeff Who?" The implication being that the right wing bags big name journalists, while the rest of us merely expose Talon News operatives.
So the question becomes, just how did this character get White House press
credentials, despite supposed post-Sept. 11 security requirements? Bruce
Bartlett, a conservative columnist who worked in the Reagan and first Bush
administrations, says that "if Gannon was using an alias, the White House staff
had to be involved in maintaining his cover." In other words, the White House
wanted him at those briefings and wanted him to ask his softball questions, most
likely to divert attention when legitimate reporters were getting too pushy.
I appreciate your post 3G comparing Lebron James to Michael Jordan. I grew up on the Southside of Chicago watching every one of M.J.'s games on WGN. Although we could only afford tickets during the pre-Dynasty era (that is, before the string of championships), I remember as if it were yesterday staying in on Friday nights until Bulls games were over just to watch "poetry in motion." Later in college, when I was abroad in France, I stayed up until 4 am watching each game of the championship series against the Sonics, amazed at his grace.
And just when I blogged this,
This is a basic earmark of the phenomenon, absolutely consistent across its
decades long history. Abortion is never halted. Affirmative action is never
abolished. The culture industry is never forced to clean up its act.
I was watching LeBron James play the other night and I have been simply amazed at his abilities. Seriously, he is 20 years old and dominates. I compared his statistics thus far in his short career to Michael Jordan's:
This is amazing to me, it's one thing to discriminate against gay folks when you have no connection to them, but it's quite another thing to discriminate against your own daughter because she is gay. Alan Keyes, a good representative of today's Republican Party disregards his own daughter to advocate discontent with this segment of society. It's a good thing Mr. Keyes is a good strong Christian because Christ's word taught all moral Christians to not accept people for who they are and to discriminate against homosexuals. Heck, I am pretty sure JC told us to hate these sinners. Take a look, I am getting scared I need to go and lock my door, the gay people are coming to change me.
I once read that if you pretend to be something you are not you will eventually believe your fantasy and not be able to distinguish that from reality. The Republicans talk about how it was Kerry and the liberals that divided America, but just take a look over at Cavalry Charge. Doesn't the post about Eason Jordon drape itself in this feeling of personal hate for the individual? I just always thought, and call me naive, that we were concerned about the USA, not about destroying people for party gain. Guys like this fellow TOD are little Hannity Nazis in training. I think guys like this should be imprisoned for life. The only downside to that would be one less dude I like on spring break trips.
The blogosphere has been all aflutter recently about (1) Jeff Gannon, a non-journalist hack who the White House granted full press credentials under his fake name so that Gannon could lob softballs at Scotty during the gaggle; and (2) Eason Jordon, a CNN executive who made an ass of himself by making unsupported off the cuff remarks about the military targeting journalists.
I also agree with Kurtz that it was the stuff about Gannon's personal life that led to his resignation, and that there's something rather sleazy about that. Backstage or not, targeting parts of people's lives that don't have to do with the story -- like, say, Eason Jordan's love life -- seems inappropriate to me, and likely to lend support to the bloggers-as-lynch-mob caricature.Not so fast, Glenn. We'll let our buddies over at Cavalry Charge take this one...
There was a juicy sex angle too: Several CNN staffers say Jordan, who was distraught about the controversy, saw the handwriting on the wall in tendering his resignation. But top executives are also said to have lost patience with the continuing gossip about Jordan, including his affair with Marianne Pearl, widow of the murdered reporter Daniel Pearl, and subsequent marital breakup.
As we've discussed before on 2GL, we have yet to hear a single reasoned argument against gay marriage. All anti-gay arguments are rooted in a sort of personal religious belief in the divine order of things.
An American judge wrote that less than fifty years ago. Shameful.Almighty God created the races, white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
Today is a monumental day for Republicans due to the unveiling of the President Ronald Reagan stamp. I find it funny that the conservatives despise Hollywoood because of its liberal tendencies, but they elect actors to high offices. Goes to show that the party votes on emotion and not substance. The better the actor, the better chance at getting elected, look at W. he pretends to be a cowboy of modest means even though he is not a Texan by birth, nor did he live any serious amount of time in Texas during his childhood. Hat Tip: Republican Suckers
Oh no! About a blowjob? Please in the name of heaven not about a blowjob!
This girl might need a good supply of Head and Shoulders for that burning sensation on her dome. I find it surprising she was punished for disrespecting women. Wouldn't a woman wearing a mohawk in and of itself constitute disrespect of a woman. I don't know, but watch your dome, scalping is back
This sports writer writes about his experience watching the Super Bowl with an Amish group in Pennsylvania. Kind of interesting.....I wonder what they thought about TO's bird dance after that first down.
Yeah, I know it's early, but 2006 is right around the corner. Tagaen's got the scoop on races involving Hillary, Giuliani, Pataki, and the people's choice, Eliot Spitzer.
If you haven't been following this, you're missing out. I'll fill you in so far: Goldberg is getting slapped up by Cole for his anti-intellectual parroting of the Bush line, and is left whining that the reason his warmongering a$$ is not in Iraq is because he has a kid and doesn't want to give up the money he's making. Tell it to the troops, Jonah. What a dick.
I finally found some time to sit down and attempt to write a decent post for 2GL and the multiple pressing stories of the day all came to mind for possible commentary. Then, I thought back to last night as I was getting ready to head over to a friend's house to play Friday night poker. I turned to CNN first, as I always do when searching for the news of the day. I caught the last five minutes of Paula's interview with Ward Churchill, the
H&C had author Bill Press on discussing the story of three star general Lt. Gen. James Mattis' off the cuff remarks regarding the enjoyment of shooting people. Bill Press' demeanor really made the segment into the disgusting display that ensued. Not by him, but by Hannity. Here is the bulk of the statement from Mattis, and I think it would be difficult to argue that its been taken out of context:
"Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling." To be fair, I will add this second portion of his statement. "You go into
Wow! Sure sounds like a psychopath to me. I think most reasonable Americans, or at least somewhat intelligent Americans could agree that there is no room in a civilized society for talk of this sort. Hell, I bet even Rocky would agree with that, as every now and again, I see a glimmer of hope in the guy. Sean Hannity without reservation, ON NATIONAL TV, stated he saw nothing wrong with the statements. I searched for the transcript of the interview, but Fox News has not updated its site since yesterday. But, take a look for yourself when you get a chance. Bill Press in a non-argumentative way made reasonable comments about how leaders of our military should act more responsibly than this and that you would expect to hear things of this sort from leaders of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Other comments included the idea that it’s never "fun" to kill and that while the General is having "fun", many collateral casualties are also happening. Hannity, without hesitation, commented on how the General was a "great American" as he says about anyone in line with his views. He also stated that he should be applauded for his understanding of the circumstances. Hannity then spoke about the pursuit of freedom and reasoned that the General's statements were precise in that light. I have been appalled by Hannity so many times, but this took the cake, and quite frankly, I think guys like him are destructive to
I find it even more interesting that not a peep has come out of the White House about this. No comment whatsoever from Bush. These comments are despicable and this General should be relieved of his duties. I understand a military has to be good at killing and have the mentality of a warrior. In a certain sense, I want this General to somewhat think that killing the enemy is his passion, but politically, we continue to incline the slope America has to climb to reach our goals because of irresponsible and ignorant people like this.
In a significant shift in his rationale for the accounts, Bush dropped his claim that they would help solve Social Security's fiscal problems — a link he sometimes made during last year's presidential campaign. Instead, he said the individual accounts were desirable because they would be "a better deal," providing workers what he said would be a higher rate of return and "greater security in retirement."
A Bush aide, briefing reporters on the condition of anonymity, was more explicit, saying that the individual accounts would do nothing to solve the system's long-term financial problems.
As an alternative to Hillary in '08, the Dems could do a lot worse than run with this guy.
The General has some tips for Bush's SOU.
Welcome to the ownership society. If you have not been assigned an owner
yet, please report to Iran for duty.
When I see an old black and white photograph of some random person, long-dead, hanging on a wall of some trying-hard-to-be-vintage restaurant, I sometimes muse, I wonder if that person back in 1889 had any idea that she was posing for a photograph that would someday hang conspicuously in a Pot Belly Sandwich Works on 12th and F in Washington, DC?
A jury in Los Angeles has awarded the model-turned-kindergarten teacher more than $15 million for using the image without Russell Christoff's permission. Nestle said it will appeal.
Christoff said he didn't know Nestle was using the picture he posed for in 1986 until he spotted himself on a label in 2002.
Why did it take the man so many years to spot his image on the coffee jar? He says he doesn't drink freeze-dried Taster's Choice. As he puts it, "I do beans."