New York Liberals...
What do McCain, Guliani, Schwarzenegger, and Zell Miller have in common? If you guessed that they are Republicans in name only, you're wrong. Miller's a Democrat. Give up? They are all prime-time speakers at the upcoming Republican convention...
GOP convention officials began announcing prime-time speakers last month. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani will speak Monday. Schwarzenegger, who campaigned hard for a speaking slot, will talk Tuesday. Miller will speak Wednesday, and Gov. George Pataki (R-N.Y.) will introduce Bush on Thursday evening.
Although McCain strongly endorsed the president last month, he is a maverick who often bucks his party and challenged Bush in 2000 for the GOP nomination.
Schwarzenegger, Pataki and Giuliani support abortion and immigration rights, unlike most of the party’s base.
Where are Frist, DeLay and Hatch? These are the Republican representatives we hear from on a daily basis. These are the real faces of the party. Where are the crusaders against butt sex? Where are Santorum and Inhofe?
On the positive side, it appears that the GOP has grown as ashamed of its dominant members as most thinking Americans have. On the negative side, someone might watch the convention and be deceived into believing that the controlling faction of the Republican party is made up of reasonable moderates.
T'OD thinks Zell Miller is controlling the Republican Party. Noted.
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