Burns burned on burns ...
Okay, I'm getting tired of logging on to "Hannity Sucks Ass." So I'll just post a picture of an ass.
So anyway, in July Conrad approached a group of hotshot firefighters in the Billings airport. ("Hotshot" isn't a pejorative term; this is the elite crew.) These guys were bone tired, headed back home to Georgia. Based on the whines that Burns had heard from his rancher pals, he lit into them, saying they had done a "piss poor" job of firefighting. Well, that little imbroglio has cooled down a bit. Or it would if Connie didn't keep throwing tinder on the fire. And, unfortunately, the wildfire season continues in Montana.
Here's the latest. Burns wrote a condescending "official" letter to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, urging him to declare a fire emergency and mobilize the National Guard. Schweitzer was seven weeks ahead of him, having declared an emergency on July 11. Ah, Connie ... if only you knew your burro (ass) from a burrow (hole in the ground). Jon Tester (left -- in more ways than here) looks better every day.
The only thing that Burns supporters have is the typical, "But he's been there so long, he can get stuff done for Montana because of his seniority."
You're right, Nate. Most letters to the editor supporting Burns seem to be from people who are holding their noses and saying: "Yeah, it's Conrad, but he brings home a lot of pork." So, I think his campaign needs a new slogan: "Seniority counts for more than brightitude."
You wouldn't call it 'pork" if it was Tester the wonder boy bringing it home.
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