"Hannity Sucks Ass"
This is great, couldn't have been stated better. This is a screenshot from Tuesday night on Hannity and Colmes. Colmes was covering the Lieberman race, Hannity was in studio asking Colmes questions. 2GL Reports, You Decide
This is great, couldn't have been stated better. This is a screenshot from Tuesday night on Hannity and Colmes. Colmes was covering the Lieberman race, Hannity was in studio asking Colmes questions. 2GL Reports, You Decide
Howdy Doody lost his reelection bid yesterday due to his support of the President on the war in Iraq. This is unfortunate for the Democrat party and, more importantly, for a moderately progressive movement. Joe Lieberman had one of the most liberal voting records in the Senate and was one of the most reasonable elected officials in D.C. But, the crazy wing of the D party is out for blood and unfortunately, Lieberman has fallen victim. I would love to see him win as an Independent, but realistically, he is done. To the detriment of the Democratic Party. I have inched closer to declaring myself as an independent and so long as folks like Howard Dean, Sheehan and Pelosi continue to be the face of the liberal movement, we will constantly lose elections. DUH!!!! What say you Abe, you true "liberal". Oh wait, Abe is windsurfing this week.