The Flag and the Fury
Dear Senator:
I’m writing this message on Flag Day. I flew my flag today and was proud to do so. If the Senate passes the anti-desecration amendment, that flag is toast. I’ll burn that puppy in the public square.
Here’s why. The flag stands for our freedom, hard won and at a dear cost. At the core of that freedom is the right of free expression. The constitutional amendment before the Senate would take a big bite out of that right. If passed, the amendment would, in effect, desecrate the flag.
And if I burned my flag in the public square, it would not be desecration. It would be euthanasia. Please protect our freedom -- vote against the proposed constitutional amendment.
Here is the greater portion of the response from Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT):
As you may know, the Senate voted on a constitutional amendment to prohibit flag desecration during the last session of Congress. It fell three votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to approve a constitutional amendment. I voted in favor of this amendment because I do not believe that burning the flag is a form of speech worthy of constitutional protection.
Currently , S. J. Res. 12 is pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This bill would grant Congress the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the U.S. flag. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of this bill, and I will support it when it comes to the Senate floor.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. It is always a pleasure hearing from folks back home.
I fail to see what the big uproar is about. It's not like people are standing on street corners all over the country burning flags. I would think there are much more pressing issues to be resolved than this one.
i don't a;dkfa;lkda;d;afd like 'akd;ajf;dka;dkafd;l euthanasia.
terry shiavo.
Well, terry -- a;bdk ld;mbtu & sk/mrqd. Hwover, taht deons't maen irb;kl msw;rpl
at all. I uesd the wrod euthanasia as a metopahr. Hpoe you undresantd.
I would be willing to bet that if this amendment passed, the incidents of flag burning in the U.S. would increase dramatically. Can you imagine the howls of enraged glee from the far right if that were to happen?
What a goddamn waste of time. This Congress just gets more and more embarassing.
if they pass this amendment, i will burn my bush! ram
then the right wing pinkos will really be engulfed! ram
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