The Burning Bush
The polls are all showing Bush at sub 40% approval ratings, and every new piece of news seems to cast a glaring spotlight upon the Administration's pale incompetence.
Katrina? Bush was fully briefed about the impending massive disaster, including the danger that the levies would be breached. He sat mute, then went back to his vacation. He later claimed that nobody anticipated that the levies would be breached.
The Dubai ports deal? I'll admit that I think the deal itself is probably being overhyped. However, how about the fact that the President learned about the outsourcing of our ports to the United Arab Emirates from the television. How out of touch is this guy?
Meanwhile, it is widely conceded even among conservatives that the Iraq war, if not a mistake to begin with, was so bungled in its execution that we will be lucky to leave the country looking like Palestine. Bush's misleading experiment in democracy by force has blown up in all of our faces.
And there is increasing evidence that the president intentionally mislead us into this miserable disaster of a war.
Meanwhile, the Bush Administration has shredded the honor of our military and intelligence agencies by instructing them to torture other human beings - a practice long reserved for barbaric dicatorships, not proud Americans. The fact that the White House was behind this policy is no longer even up for discussion.
What does America do when it realizes its president is incompetent? Wait three years and vote for a new one? Or perhaps people will go to the polls in November and elect a Congress that will hold this man accountable.
He is a pretty damn terrible president.
I believe George W. Bush's crowning achievement is this -- by comparison, he has made his father look like a statesman.
Burning Bush? Damn, one of those headlines that got my attention only to disappoint. Speaking of BB, is there a plan to Key West? Was I just left out....again?
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