You Know We're Never Gonna Survive...
... unless, we're Alito bit crazy.
- Yes, Bush caved to the crazies on the radical right by tapping Alito to be the next failed Bush nomination to the Supreme Court. He not only passes their abortion litmus test with flying colors, but to sweeten the deal for the far right, he's tough on minorities and the disabled. I look forward to the confirmation hearings.
- Query: will the right wingers who purportedly hate "activist judges" have any problem with Alito's opinion that judges, not Congress, should decide whether employees should have the right to unpaid family medical leave. (Luckily Rehnquist shut him down on that one.)
- Having failed with his "appoint a crony" move, Bush resorts to his other patented move: "divide, divide, divide." Of course the Alito nomination will create a firestorm. It's supposed to. This is good for Bush for two reasons: (1) it will put all the Republicans back together again fighting for a common cause - they have been drifting around, and even (gasp!) criticizing Bush for his failures; and (2) it will divert attention from the criminal charges brought against Scooter and the pending criminal investigation of Rove.
You still believe Rove could be indicted? That story ended with Scooter.
This is a great nomination. You can't question Alito's qualifications. As you stated, this nomination will bring the party back together and Alito will be confirmed. Karl Rove will be back in full force, something the Dems greatly fear.
You're sure the story ended with Scooter's indictment?
Well, I'm not so sure. For one, Fitz himself refused to give such assurances. More importantly, you must realize that the indictment is a beginning, not an end. See, unless Scooter flips or just pleads guilty to everything, he's going to trial. Trial. If you've read the indictment, you know that means Cheney, under oath, on the stand. That means Rove, under oath, on the stand. Who knows where it will all lead?
Well, apparently the answer to that question is: our friend "Anonymous" above.
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