Can anyone give me a few Halloween costume ideas? I was thinking about going as "Revenge of the Pinata". Buy a pinata at a local store, slice it down the back and wear it like a shirt. I would then have blood running down my face and a stick in my hand while I ran after people throwing candy at them and hitting them.
If only you woulda asked sooner. I hear that Burger King is selling that killer Burger King King mask. Now that's the costume of 2005. Unfortunaltey, shipping is as much as the mask and I bet they are backordered by now. God, I love that King.
Here's the easiest Halloween costume ever ... stick out your tongue and go as a hemorrhoid.
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spaaam!
Lovely Spaaam! Wonderful Spam.
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam! (Lovely Spam!)
Lovely Spaaam!
Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaam!
- Monty Python
Stick your head in a bucket of sand...instant Democrat.
It appears the only party with their head stuck in the sand is the one that took us to a needless war, destroyed the economy in five short years and the one that neglects to provide basic health care for at least impoverished minors. Just take a look around, this country is going into the shithole just the way it did during the Reagan years. You guys know how to win elections(at least in 04), but you don't know how to govern. Mainly because your party's priorities are wrong, they make decision and policy based upon who gets to profit the most. Look at the medicare prescription plan, the Iraq war,etc. etc. Must I continue? We all see what's going on.
You clearly have no clue about the economy if you think the Republicans destroyed it. The previous admin allowed the economy to over-extend itself for too long. Do you honestly believe Bush burst the tech bubble and was responsible for the subsequent downfall of stocks? Why don't you stick to posting about halloween costumes and leave the "big boy" issues to rest of us.
When an administration and Congress (controlled by the Republican party, in this case) ramps up spending and cuts taxes, the result is a deficit. Pretty simple, even for a big boy. When deficit spending takes place, the government borrows money, reducing available capital for economic expansion. That's one way the economy suffers. Other economic byproducts of this process are fear and uncertainty, as well as draconian measures such as the Working Families Tax Relief Act, which is anything but. I'm barely scratching the surface of the Bush Imbroglio, but you get the picture. Or, if you're a Republican, probably not. Pity.
The Tech bubble burst was based on investors and consumers, not govt policy like Iraq war spending and tax cuts. Big difference "Big Boy". Your response leads me to believe you do not know much on the subject.
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