Did "God" Send Pakistan Earthquake?
Not too long ago after Hurricane Katrina, the Al-qaeda leader in Iraq, Al-Zarqawi, stated,
I believe the devastating hurricane that hit the United States occurred because people in Iraq or Afghanistan -- maybe a mother who had lost her son or a son whose parents were killed or a woman who was raped -- were praying for God and God accepted their prayers.
So Al-Zarqawi, was the earthquake in Pakistan, and more precisely the destruction in the Kashmir region, a response to American prayers to kill Muslims? Under your logic, shouldn't "God" protect this particular area with more vigor? Is this proof positive that Christianity is "right" and Islam "wrong" since "God" answered with more death to Muslims? The debate is now over, one religion has now won. My sarcasm is thick out of frustration for these assholes that kill in the name of "God".
The Islamization process in Kashmir has progressed throughout the decades, albeit slowly and at the cost of so many innocent people. It appears to me Al-Z, that Allah is thwarting your attempted power grab, maybe you should now declare jihad on him?? Maybe this unfortunate disaster will be an opportunity for various cultures to find a common understanding of each other.
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