A Better Pick
You know who Bush should have appointed to SCOTUS? Bill Clinton. Seriously.
Think about it. It would have been his first real "uniter not divider" moment. Clinton went to Yale Law School and is undeniably brilliant. Plus, he's become buddy buddy with W's dad - so there's a certain closeness there. You can also bet that Clinton would be hip to claims of executive privilege, which Bush would appreciate in the next three years.
Also, Clinton is not some radical left winger. In fact, he was a strong moderate, who pulled the party hard center in his two terms. While the far right would piss and moan, Bush could likely get enough of the R's to go along with the D's to override a veto.
I guarantee that Bush's approval rating would go back over 50%. I'm serious.
Maybe if Miers gets shot down in the Senate as a crony, William will have a shot.
That Abe -- what a crazy guy! Clinton on the Court, can you imagine? I mean, do we really want a justice who could run intellectual circles around Clarence Thomas? I don't think so. It would be ... well ... un-affirmative-actionish. Do we want a justice who might look Antonin Scalia in the eye and tell him what jerk he is? That might throw AS into such a funk that he'd never go hunting with Cheney again. Talk about upsetting the balance of power! And besides, with Little Johnny Roberts just starting out as CJ, it would be disruptively intimidating to have Clinton sitting beside him, saying "I feel your pain." No, no, no. Harriet Miers is a much more sensible choice. Why put a bright light on the Court when you can have a votive candle?
I honestly can't tell if you are serious or joking. Please tell me you are joking! I remember the Anita Hill controversy with Clarence Thomas, and I can't imagine the firestorm Clinton would create with his track record. Rape and sexual assault allegations, the Monica saga. Oh, how could I forget the minor detail that he was disbarred? Sounds like a great choice.
Allegations? Oh. Well then I allege Miers is a crystal meth addict. She is no longer fit to serve! Give me a break.
And the disbarment was a political smear orchestrated by a conservative group. 8 of the 14 members of the committee recused themselves - b/c they were Democrats. And experts agree it was an unusually harsh penalty for giving evasive answers under oath.
Anyway, Clinton has a distinguished career of public service, an unmatched comprehensive understanding of world and national events, and was a law professor.
Without a doubt there are Clinton haters on the far right, but they are marginal players, many of whom just can't stop thinking about oral sex. But, Clinton was more popular than Reagan. People would love to see him on the SCOTUS. Me included.
arm, despite your hints at moderation and occasional willingness to break party line, i know you're among the fiercest of the Clinton haters. so i didn't expect you to be on board.
Has Slick gotten his law license back yet? I don't think someone who lied under oath will ever get confirmed to SCOTUS- even if he lied about his age.
also, i do deny that clinton is "brilliant." a smarmy politician that somehow pulled the presidency out of his ass twice, yes. but he is not "undeniably brilliant." such praise is reserved for people like einstein, ben franklin, al sharpton and jimmy carter. -ram-
Such hate for the man. I'll never get it.
He's an effing Rhodes Scholar, arm. A Yale Law grad with a photographic memory. A former law professor and former POTUS who guided us through an unprecedented time of peace and wealth.
A smarmy politician? And this from a loose changer?
Abe -- re: ARM -- ya gotta recognize the classic diversionary tactic. In the face of Bush's dismal performance and low approval, his sycophants keep bleating the bad-boy boo-hoo about Clinton, mainly "Monica." What they fail to mention are things like "peace," "prosperity," and "balanced budget." I guess it's because terminology such as that is totally out of usage with the W administration.
i never mentioned monica, i never claimed bush was undeniably brilliant and lots and lots and lots of people are rhodes scholars, and you contradict yourself by claiming that being a former POTUS makes you brilliant, but claim bush is a fool. also, former law professors are a dime a dozen.
if rhodes scholar professors with a comprehensive grasp of policy and national events are a dime a dozen, why not nominate one?
Cereal Killah - the truth, for Republicans, is sad. The democrats reformed welfare, balanced the budget, and used the military effectively with the proper planning. Bush has increased spending wildly, played Christmas with corporations, embroiled us in a hopeless and seemingly endless war on foreign soil, and tried to play moral nanny.
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