Dude, you got this off The Onion right? Serial, silence, even you have to admit this is incompetence. Just a little? Come on, help me want to take you serious. And who said anything about racism, maybe the far lefters, but us Americans just want our country led by capable officials, I don't care if they are from the Whig party.
I have to agree with Serial. You know it will happen. Don't play stupid and act like only the far left called Bush racist and everyone was up in arms because the government wasn't helping the poor, black people of N.O. You're an idiot if you think only far left people were saying that. It's too bad people have to drag racism into everything. It'll happen this time, you know it.
While it might not be racism, the Democrats are starting up the stupid questions part of Rita: http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/09/21/rita.federalresponse.ap/index.html
Democratic critics said the preparations for Rita seemed to exceed those for Katrina, and called anew for an independent panel to investigate why.
"It's nice to have the Bush administration recognize the importance of a federal response to Rita, but why weren't they proactively mobilizing and organizing like this for Katrina?" said Rebecca Kirszner, a spokeswoman for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
I really hope people have a fucking clue at why this is happening and they don't need to spend tax dollars for a special commision. Bush saw Katrina's aftermath and isn't letting it happen again. The government... THE GOVERNMENT not just Bush messed up the first time. If you really want to spend the time and energy to ask questions of why Rita is getting more attention before it hits than Katrina, you're a fucking idiot. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Yeah 3GL, why'd ya find it funny. You just got owned. Let's see how you talk yourself out of this one. I know it will be interesting. One request, don't fault George Bush in your attempt to explain why only the far left are crying racism and you think a song about Bush being a racist is post-worthy.
As SK and RP approach the Texas coast across the Gulf of Platitudes, they have reached a Category 4 spin-out. In this meteorological phenomenon, the hot air gains velocity as the depression at the center of the brain drops to a numbing low. Another in an increasingly common pattern, this storm spurs most people in its path to shake their heads and wonder, "What are you guys on about?" Seems like your mind heeded the evacuation order but left the mouth behind.
Dude, you got this off The Onion right? Serial, silence, even you have to admit this is incompetence. Just a little? Come on, help me want to take you serious. And who said anything about racism, maybe the far lefters, but us Americans just want our country led by capable officials, I don't care if they are from the Whig party.
I have to agree with Serial. You know it will happen. Don't play stupid and act like only the far left called Bush racist and everyone was up in arms because the government wasn't helping the poor, black people of N.O. You're an idiot if you think only far left people were saying that. It's too bad people have to drag racism into everything. It'll happen this time, you know it.
FEMA sucks.
While it might not be racism, the Democrats are starting up the stupid questions part of Rita:
Democratic critics said the preparations for Rita seemed to exceed those for Katrina, and called anew for an independent panel to investigate why.
"It's nice to have the Bush administration recognize the importance of a federal response to Rita, but why weren't they proactively mobilizing and organizing like this for Katrina?" said Rebecca Kirszner, a spokeswoman for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
I really hope people have a fucking clue at why this is happening and they don't need to spend tax dollars for a special commision. Bush saw Katrina's aftermath and isn't letting it happen again. The government... THE GOVERNMENT not just Bush messed up the first time. If you really want to spend the time and energy to ask questions of why Rita is getting more attention before it hits than Katrina, you're a fucking idiot. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Yeah 3GL, why'd ya find it funny. You just got owned. Let's see how you talk yourself out of this one. I know it will be interesting. One request, don't fault George Bush in your attempt to explain why only the far left are crying racism and you think a song about Bush being a racist is post-worthy.
As SK and RP approach the Texas coast across the Gulf of Platitudes, they have reached a Category 4 spin-out. In this meteorological phenomenon, the hot air gains velocity as the depression at the center of the brain drops to a numbing low. Another in an increasingly common pattern, this storm spurs most people in its path to shake their heads and wonder, "What are you guys on about?" Seems like your mind heeded the evacuation order but left the mouth behind.
If we are the so-called "spin-out", we wouldn't be the thing evacuating. So there goes your point on our minds heeding the evacuation order.
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