You Don't Eat When You're Not Hungry ... hmm
When Larry David can't sleep.
I like how if you criticize the war you don’t support the troops. You’re the
ones sending them over to die, so how is it I don’t support them? If the army
was made up of child molesters, then I’d support them. If we went to an all
child molester army, I would be their biggest supporter. “Please don’t bring the
troops home. Stay the course. Keep them there a long time.” But they’re not
child molesters.
BELATED HAT TIP: yes, Sully.
That's fantastic! Good find.
Relax, ARM. He's joking.
The HBO show is Curb Your Enthusiasm - i think it's effing hilarious.
Relax, T. I know how you yourself lost sleep over Durbin's comments (are you seriously still trying to keep that alive? even after the apology? desparate.) and how you gnashed your teeth, cried, and pulled at your hair in outrage at how Durbin could compare abuse of prisoners to something the Nazis might have done. I feel your pain. I just hope that, with enough therapy and perhaps some heavy medication, you will finally find peace.
Plus, guess what, I effing DON'T support abuse of detainees, whether it's our troops or someone else doing it. Question to you, T.
Would you support American troops if they beat detainees to death?
And if you are trying to tell me that the wild-eyed Republican cry "YOU DON'T SUPPORT THE TROOPS!" began only after Durbin's comments, then your punch-drunk credibility will take yet another hit.
Come back, reasonable, T'od. We miss you.
Wow, a comment from TOD not concerning KOS--there's a first for everything! But he did find a way to blast you for not hat tipping, which btw comes up as often as his fetish for KOS.
The Durbin thing has been blogged to smitherings. Move on. To your disappointment, 2GL didn't give a free pass to Durbin. Rule number one in politics is never compare anything to Nazis. Your message, no matter how right or noble, will inevitably be lost in the din and hyperbole.
Moreover, your comments about "soldier slander" toward 2G and others of our ilk began well before Durbin's comments. The argument that if you're against the war then you're ipso facto against the troops is as old as Methuselah.
Finally, Larry David rules!
For what it's worth, I also love Seinfeld, but much to my husband's dismay, I don't get Curb Your Enthusiasm either. As an aside, Larry David once offered to help me in my work parking garage in Santa Monica when I had a humiliating moment of hitting a very large pole on my second day of work as a summer associate. After I turned down his offer, he looked at my license plate and commented, "You're not in Kentucky anymore . . ."
Pretty funny guy.
An army run by Michael Jackson?!? That's effing brilliant.
Larry David is a bald lefty who should keep to what he's good at....mediocre humor.
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