Want To See What An Organized Right Wing Attack Looks Like?
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Look at them go!
After you've seen this from them enough times, it all just seems so . . . . . . fake.
UPDATE: And it just wouldn't be complete without a lie from Frist, would it? Nope.
UPDATE II: I wish that the folks whipping up this choreographed attack on Durbin would get one tenth as excercised about American abuse and torture of detainees as they have about the words Durbin chose to describe that abuse and torture. Rather than address the issue, however, they organize an attack - a pathetic attempt to change the subject from the real issue at hand. I pass this on to you without further comment, folks, because it mocks itself.
she's right! that senator was disloyal and should be ashamed. what happened to loyalty and patriotism after Sept. 11? Durbin is an opportunist using a few unfortunate acts hyped up by the media to grandstand for political gain. Its simple as that.
Think. If we were take his advice and close that base, where would that leave us? our country has enemies in this world it's a fact and until you Lefties learn that, your going to be left out in cold politically and locked out of the white house for sure.--Klug
Abe, good point, what is more insidious to this country, one senator's comments or the actual misconduct that inspired the comments?
Perhaps, CC needs to step away from the issue for a moment, put down their "W" posters, and breathe. There's something seriously wrong with our country's PR in the world right now and it seems to get worse each day.
Klug, sometimes the truth hurts.
I'm with Superstar. In a time of war, anything goes even torture. That senator should be taken out back and shot for treason.--Klug
Some how, 2GL went from being anti-torture to being anti-soldier as our friend Soup takes some serious leaps with logic. Nice strawman, by the way.
It's beyond cliche for hawks as yourself to paint any dissent as disloyal, treasonous, and anti-soldier, when 99 times out of 100 the dissent is targeting the policy and administration that created the actions. Not the soldiers overall. Sorry, Sir Star, your powers are weak.
What I think is that you have that Bush flag so tightly wrapped around your body that you're cutting off the circulation to your brain. I suggest you stop before the condition becomes permanent.
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