Rove Hits Rock Bottom
Watch Rove flailing wildly in an attempt to divert attention from the miserable failures of the Bush Administration.
Oh yes, Karl. Thump that fat chest, you killer you.“Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers,” Rove said Wednesday night. “Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.”
Anyone remember the days after 9/11? Remember how we came together as a nation? It is obscene and ugly that Rove has chosen to use the tragedy of September 11th to both (1) try to divide the country along partisan lines, and (2) justify the Iraq war, which has nothing to do with September 11th. How about we all remember effing Afghanistan! Anyone remember that?? THAT was what happened after 9/11, and we supported it.
Rove also denounced Sen. Dick Durbin’s comments comparing interrogation at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp to the methods of Nazis and other repressive regimes. He said the statements have been broadcast throughout the Middle East [note: solely because the GOP has flogged the issue mercilessly in the press], putting American troops in greater danger. Durbin has since apologized for the remarks.Holy shit. Did Karl Rove just say the motive of liberals is to put American troops in danger? Did Karl effing Rove just accuse me of wanting to kill American soldiers?
“No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals,” Rove said.
He has gone off the deep end, folks. Every Republican now has three choices: (1) tell the world that Rove does not speak for them and that this type of slander crosses the line of decency; (2) tell the world that they agree with Rove; or (3) sit silently in embarassment.
UPDATE: Rove's complete statement accusing liberals of wanting to put troops in danger: "Let me just put this in fairly simple terms: Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger. No more needs to be said about the motives of liberals."
It appears that couched within his rambling accusations that liberals enjoy soldier-slandering, "trashing the country", um.. crying (?), and are plagued by general "rot," our good friend T'od has chosen option #2.
Highbrow, bro.
Some one needed to say it. My hat's off to Rove, the puppet master.--Klug
Ha. Soup joins the fray, and chooses option #2. With enthusiasm. ... and just when we thought he was becoming a moderate.
Have the Republicans really been reduced to cheering Rove when he says Democrats want soldiers to be killed? When he brags that Republicans do not want to understand our enemy? This is the discourse that our Republican friends are supporting? Truly sad.
I had an idea. Since Republicans have been winning all the elections recently, hold both houses, and the presidency, maybe we should hold a draft and only send all the disgruntled loser democrats to war.
It will be good for them. they can meet evil face to face and feel the hate that they hold for us... then we'll see who they are running in defense of, the coward terrorists or our brave soldiers!!
While I don't think most Democrats are unsupportive of our troops, I find Durbin's comments reprehensible. As to liberals crying that we deserved it after 9/11, I heard it in plenty of places. Deny it if you can. You can't.
Good to see you again, Rock. You may be right that there were folks on the fringe who said "we deserved" 9-11. Similarly, there are folks on the other fringe who want to bomb the U.N. But Rove didn't say "some" liberals. He very clearly split the country into two types of folks: conservatives and liberals. Then he said liberals want to kill our soldiers and give therapy to terrorists.
You didn't say whether you were a 1 or a 2, Rock. Does that make you a three?
Durbin's comments were about particular actions of particular soldiers. He merely pointed out that if you heard the description and had to guess who committed these acts, you would probably think it was a regime such as the Nazis, not American soldiers representing a country that stands for entirely different principles. I think Durbin had a serious lapse in judgement and should have know that his comments would be taken out of context, but I have read them several times and do not see where he compares all of our soldiers to Nazis or direspects them as a whole in any way. Karl Rove, on the other hand, has labeled an entire group of people - whoever falls into the "liberal" category - and demonized them. I imagine there are some "conservatives" who don't support this war who are just as offended by the insinuation that they do.
I really hate these labels and the divisions that they create - and both sides are to blame. Even if you support the war, do you really support the torture practices that have been recently described? I understand that the answer for some would be "yes," but I don't expect it from the educated and compassionate people whom I know writing some of these comments. It's fine to be mad about what Durbin said - whatever his motive, it has obviously offended people and caused quite the emotional reaction. But are you again going to engage in the "they did it first" logic and support Rove's outrageous comments? What benefit could possibly come from dividing the country in such a way? The only one I can see is to create the momentum and rhetoric to get another Repbulican elected. Maybe you think that's worth the divisiveness. I personally don't care if a Republican or Democrat is in office. I want to see someone uphold what this country stands for and take a sincere approach to addressing our problems. I obviously can't ever be a politician because I just can't engage in the rhetoric adn compromising of values required to make sure one side "wins." I'd like to see someone with the gall to admit that we're all wrong about some things and that we might have to find some middle ground - the good kind of "compromise" - to come up with the solution - to the war, to poverty, to racism, etc. I love to argue and debate as much as anyone, but this liberal/conservative thing is getting really old.
Yes, yes, it's much better to engage in incorrect grotesque slander of "particular" soldiers than to be accurate but overbroad about liberals. Nice reasoning.
The incorrect part was, um ... hold on, I remember it was something... oh yeah, the thing about the soldiers being the same as Nazis. Or perhaps you think that was correct?
I decided it was time to read what Durbin said. The entire statement. It runs to 3,038 words. Essentially, it's a plea to the President to rein in his administration (and his military) and play by the rules.
The world has focused on 76 words that, while demonstrably impolitic, were not all that intemperate. Certainly not as rabidly derogatory as Karl Rove's smear.
I think what really frightens conservatives like "anonymous" and others who have posted here is this: Our President is George W. Bush. I, too, would be emotional, illogical, and garrulous in trying to defend him and his honchos. Nothing that makes any sense would work.
So, here's a new slogan for the wingnuts. It should go on each of their blog banners, bumper stickers, and Fox News crawls: RAVE LIKE ROVE - IT'S ALL WE'VE GOT
Johnny Piano
TOD, come on, you are smarter than that......I think. Just admit that you will show partisan support for ANYTHING from the GOP and we can move on. Rove's comments are unfortunate, at least Durbin had an underlying philisophical argument when he used an improper comparisons. But TOD, you are losing credibility with me when you support this crap.
If I simply must be categorized, then I must be a 2 Abe. Not only have I heard some liberals say that we deserved 9/11, but I heard some say that we must understand where they are coming from and that we should not get concerned about how foreign nations treat their people (see Kosovo). Aparently they don't think war is ever the answer unless a Democrat President initiated it. I don't agree that ALL liberals feel this way. All Congresspeople but Sheila Jackson Lee (insert leftist idiot here) voted to support the war, so most of Congress can't be put into that category. Many liberals not in Congress don't get that pass though. Note that Rove never said Democrat in that speech- just LIBERAL. So while I don't care for black and white categorizing ( you doing what you accuse Rove of), put me down as a 2.
Sorry, Rock. No dice. You can't say "I would agree with Rove if he had limited his remarks to a tiny minority of fringe wackos who said we deserved 9-11." You have to take his remarks as they were clearly intended to be taken. He compared all liberals to all conservatives, and made some hugely defamatory accusations. I'm disappointed that you are joining him in that slander.
Nice try Abe. I clearly stated that I don't think you can blanketly categorize people in that way, so I guess I don't fully support what Rove said, nor your attempt to blanket categorize people (doing the same thing). There is some truth to what Rove said though. I also noted that Rove's comments came at a private gathering- not on the floor of the Senate like Durbin's stupid rant did. Besides, I've heard plenty of Democrats say that they are not liberals. Your heroine Hillary is rushing toward the political center so she can run for President. Aren't most of you hand wringing liberals "Progressives" now? Get over it!
By the way- What Durbin was reading from was not an official document of any kind. It was an unsubstantiated anonymous E-mail.
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