Narcissus and the Press
The 'sphere has done a good job of getting the press to take a hard look at what it calls "journalism" in the last couple of years. The pressure has come from both sides of the ideological spectrum.
But I'm afraid we've created a press corps of navel-gazers. Even the press is now intent on making the story more about themselves and their coverage of issues that the story itself. Ok, press corps, you screwed up by overlooking the DSM. We forgive you. Now get after it.
But instead the press wants to explain why a memo from Britain's top intelligence officer which accuses President Bush of lying to Congress and America is not news. Conason nails it:
How foolish and how sad that all these distinguished journalists prefer to transform this scandal into a debate about their own underachieving performance, rather than redeem mainstream journalism by advancing an important story that they should have pursued from the beginning. This is a moment when the mainstream press could again demonstrate to a skeptical public why we need journalists. Instead they are proving once more that their first priority is to cover their own behinds.
The MSM has become truly embarassing.
The media is a machine of tree hugging anarchists. If there was an ounce of merit to that Downing Street memo, rest assured the press would be on it like a bunch of rabid locusts. Because not one thought it newsworthy, proves it's bunkholed.
Klug, don't embarass yourself. Your bias is palpable.
Now, I'm not standing up for the media or anything but if there's one thing this administration has done well, it is keep a tight leash on the media (among others, enter image from Abu Ghraib, thanks Ms. England).
In classic Orwellian fashion, they strategically disseminate information to only those news outlets who do their bidding (see war in Iraq). Lop on top of that paying off reporters under the table with respect to the President's education proposal and you have a bunch of bribe accepting cowards.
Who can you trust? The press is supposed to be the government's watchdog but what kind of watchdog has a little bark, no bite, and can't seem to pry himself out of the impenetrable straightjacket he's been wearing for five years.
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