Republican "War On Judges" Ramped Up a Notch
John Cornyn, Republican, United States Senator from the Great State of Texas, and box turtle bigot, asks the question on all of our minds: are our judges being killed because they aren't following the conservative agenda?
Yyglesias takes a hard look at the good Senator's comments.
UPDATE: Cheers to some on the right for condemning Senator Cornyn's irresponsible and idiotic comments. Like I said before, the libertarian right won't follow blindly forever.
UPDATE II: Cornyn stands down. Good job sir. Now about me and my box turtle...
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If box turtles are allowed to marry, this society has gone to crap. You liberals!! I find it ironic that the only reason the current Admininstration is in power is because of judicial activism. "One man's judicial activism is another man's righteous application of the law." Please quote me on that one. To say the Schiavo case was judicial activism is absurd! You MUST be in Schiavo's previous state to believe that.
Will you boys be discussing the slap on the wrist Spitzer will eventually give to AIG and Hank Greenberg? I wonder if it has anything to do with Greenberg's ties to Slick Willie and his cabinent members. What is really alarming is that Slick once floated Hank Greenberg's name for CIA Director in 1995. "What Say You?"
I know who fro munga is......
Yep, I sent you back to Austin to live with all the LIBERALS.
And Dick Cheney's our Vice President, Fro Munga.
And remember that Enron thing? What say you?
Are you serious? That is one of the most asinine comments I have ever seen. What would you like to know about Enron? The fact that their officers felt compelled to inflate earnings because Slick Willie was letting the economy run wild? He allowed the economy to get so overheated and extended that the only way corporate America was going to meet its number would be to cheat. I wonder why a record number of companies had to restate earnings in 2002? It couldn’t possibly be that Bush was going to start holding the corporate chieftains responsible for their actions. Something that wasn’t imposed under the watchful eye of Clinton.
Now I’m not sure what you inferring with Chaney, but if it’s his finances I strongly suggest you consult with Mendoza before you dig yourself an even bigger hole.
Yo, Fro, consider yourself enlightened:
and here (under usage note):
Is that best you can do? An article that is 3 years old and deals with allegations that were never substantiated? Now I'm impressed.
Whenever a company changes its accounting method, it's going to have a big impact on the bottom line. The whole basis is a fundamental of cash-basis vs. accrual. As the article states their accounting procedures are also used by competitors.
Enron went a little beyond the scope of changing accounting methods and was a bit too liberal (see: Liberal = bad). If you ask me, HAL has recovered very nicely since this article. Their revenue has shown tremendous growth and the stock is way up. How does that compare to Enron again?
Now for the grammatical aspect, I already know that Chaney is our VP. So I wasn't sure why his name was relevant. Then again, when all you can respond with is grammar and an SEC investigation that yielded no results, then I guess we know who is right.
Thanks for humoring me.
Fro, you must be a huge fan of our Vice President. You love him so much that you can't even spell his name right.
Oh, also by the way, Mr. Munga, what you don't know will hurt you:§ion=Entire+Website&sort=rank
Senator Cornyn NEVER suggested anyone should take violent action against liberal judges. That's the old trick of a partial quote taken out of context. It's wrong if the Bush administration does it, wrong if a democrat does it, wrong when the media does it and wrong when this website does it. I thought you guys were better than that. I guess not!
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