Living Will
Consider this my living will. If I'm in a persistent vegetative state and on a feeding tube for 15 years, stop keeping me alive already. In fact, if I lapse into a coma and I'm brain damaged, don't even put the damn tube in me. I'm serious. Let there be no doubt about my wishes.
I'm putting that in writing because I don't want to become a "great political issue" for Tom "Captain Ethics" DeLay. (Am I the only one who thinks DeLay looks kind of like Jeff Tweedy?) DeLay, who we Americans look to for moral and legal guidance, calls the decision to allow Terry Schiavo to die a "moral and legal tragedy." Thanks again, Tom, for providing us a moral compass.
Right to die is perfectly legitimate for those with a living will. Terry Schiaivo had no living will. I'm not sure your entry into this website qualifies. If it's important to you, get a lawyer and do it right.
If you ask me, save the millions of dollars it's costing to deal with this issue and let the parents deal with the care. The contradictions involved in this case from state's rights to want of smaller federal government make me see my day today in a cloud of irony
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