The GOP Knows What's Best For You
Sullivan, always the sanest voice on the right, breaks it down for you:
I'm beginning to wonder if the Republican party will soon oppose the whole concept of an independent judiciary. Just read William Bennett's screed in National Review. It contains the sentence: "It is a mistake to believe that the courts have the ultimate say as to what a constitution means." Bennett and his co-author argue that Jeb Bush should send in state troops to reinsert the feeding tube and break the law if necessary. Screw the science. Screw the court system. Screw the law. I disagree with Jonah that this is a minor spat with no long-term consequences. We are looking directly at the real face of contemporary Republicanism. Sane, moderate, thoughtful people are watching this circus and will not soon forget it.
He's right.
And what does the Republican party stand for anymore? The sanctity of marriage? Nope, sorry Mr. Schiavo. State's rights? Nope, sorry Florida. Smaller government? Nope, biggest growth in decades. Fiscal sanity? Nope, record deficits. So... what was it again?
I thought we had a system of checks and balances in our political system. Who gets to check on the judiciary branch if they are running amok? Neither of the other two branches has any power to hold the judiciary in check? Supreme court justices should be Gods answerable to nobody?
Rocko, to answer your question see Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. (1 Cranch)137 (1803). Honestly, this is one of the most amazing decisions in judicial history. Mainly because Chief Justice Marshall and his majority came down with a decision that was essentially against their party's interests to ensure the power of the Supreme Court and accordingly the judiciary in general. The link below breaks down the case in layman's terms. Not to insult anyone's intelligence, but if Rudy or Abe remembers, Marbury is a nearly impossible read. I hear the shouts of judicial activism arguments Rocko, but seriously, our courts really do work pretty well and instances where Republicans whimsically seek to alter the, at times, delicate institutions WILL be extremely destructive to our country in the future. BTW the 11th Circuit which refused to hear the dispute over the recent congressional Schiavo bill was composed of 8 Republican appointees and 4 Democratic appointees. Get the facts, that is something foreign to value voters.
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