Do You Get Full Value On Your Money?
I am late on the ball with this, but it's too damn good not to put up here. Plus, I keep listening to it over and over, so I might as well put up the link for myself so I can stop googling to find it:
Listen as Paul Anka, legendary crooner, inspired songwriter ("My Way", Tonight Show theme), beloved by the Japanese, rips into his band after a sub-par performance in Vegas. Why?
"The guy on the end... he was wearing a t-shirt. A T-SHIRT!"
In case you didn't know, THE GUYS GET SHIRTS.
Listen. Then listen again. Pure gems.
"You thought, you thought. You thought, you thought eight things tonight!"
BELATED HAT TIP: Ace, who has really run with it.
SOLICITED BUT DESERVED HAT TIP: T'OD and Spyder, who are on a serious integrity kick.
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