Teflon Don Lies to Our Troops
Q: Yes, Mr. Secretary. Our soldiers have been fighting in Iraq for coming up on three years. A lot of us are getting ready to move north relatively soon. Our vehicles are not armored. We’re digging pieces of rusted scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass that’s already been shot up, dropped, busted, picking the best out of this scrap to put on our vehicles to take into combat.
We do not have proper armament vehicles to carry with us north.SEC. RUMSFELD: I talked to the General coming out here about the pace at which the vehicles are being armored. They have been brought from all over the world, wherever they’re not needed, to a place here where they are needed. I’m told that they are being – the Army is – I think it’s something like 400 a month are being done. And it’s essentially a matter of physics. It isn’t a matter of money. It isn’t a matter on the part of the Army of desire. It’s a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, you go to
war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time. Since the Iraq conflict began, the Army has been pressing ahead to produce the armor necessary at a rate that they believe – it’s a greatly expanded rate from what existed previously, but a rate that they believe is the rate that is all that can be accomplished at this moment. I can assure you that General Schoomaker and the leadership in the Army and certainly General Whitcomb are sensitive to the fact that not every
vehicle has the degree of armor that would be desirable for it to have, but that they’re working at it at a good clip. It’s interesting, I’ve talked a great deal about this with a team of people who’ve been working on it hard at the Pentagon.
And if you think about it, you can have all the armor in the world on a tank and a tank can be blown up. And you can have an up-armored humvee and it can be blown up. And you can go down and, the vehicle, the goal we have is to have as many of those vehicles as is humanly possible with the appropriate level of armor available for the troops. And that is what the Army has been working on.
Our Secretary of Defense just openly lied to our troops about why they are not properly armored in combat. If you can shrug about this, take the magnetic ribbon off your truck.Jacksonville, Florida-based Armor Holdings last month told the Army it could add armor to as many as 550 of the trucks a month, up from 450 vehicles now, Robert Mecredy, president of the company's aerospace and defense group, said in an interview today.
``We're prepared to build 50 to 100 vehicles more per month,'' Mecredy said in the telephone interview. ``I've told the customer that and I stand ready to do that.''
It is definitely shameful that our troops don't have more armor. The administration should do more to alleviate this problem than to give it lip service. Who's fault is it that our military is not better armed? I have no doubt that the current administration has some culpability in the problem. Liberals in congress who vote against every weapons system proposed have some guilt as well. I really don't think debating who is at fault is useful. Let's just fix it! I don't care if the question came from a serviceman or a reporter (although that was a bit underhanded) as long as the problem gets fixed.
Hey, Rock, since when did vehicle armor become a "weapons system."
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Funny how we should not place blame when the Republicans are the ones to blame. How reasonable politics would be if we just fixed the problem instead of pointing fingers. Yawnnnnnnn........now back to reality. The fact of the matter is the Republicans have a strong control in Washington right now, therefore, they are to blame for this deficiency. Its their war and the Dept of Defense, after all us liberals don't care about defense, so its their problem. I just find it funny that they really don't care as much as they pretend. I will start the petition to ask Rummy to remove his magnetic ribbon from his auto. And to the beloved conservative that comments on 2GL: I am pointing fingers, this large middle one right at this incompetent administration.
Gee- I thought I said that the administration has some blame in this. Did you just skip over that part? The libs didn't just vote against weapons systems and you know it. "I voted for the $78 billion BEFORE I VOTED AGAINST IT."... who said that again? Democrats voted against many defense appropriations. From what I heard on the news today, the administration is working hard to cure the problem. They are getting more armor made more quickly. I haven't given a pass to Bush & co. on this and if you were honest, you'd admit that there are Democrats who are responsible also. Of course I'm a Republican so it must be my fault too, right?
Thanks Jen-
I figured you liberals would have a response something like that. I clearly stated that the administration has some blame in this affair. I thought that was an honest response. You all refer to me as a name caller and then refer to me as a third grader who doesn't get it. Is that the best you can do? That doesn't bother me in the least. Your side doesn't have the honesty to admit that your people in Congress have stymied defense bills and might have some culpability also? Go ahead with the Fox news references too. That's an easy shot. Can't you come up with something better than that? Oh, I forgot. You liberals are intellectually superior to we Conservatives aren't you? You can't even hear me out when I say that Bush & co. are partly responsible. Nice.
BTW Jen-
I heard about the new efforts by the administration on the armor on.........CNN!
Angry? I think it is funny and illustrative that you lefties can't examine those on your own side. I definitively stated that Bush & co. are partly at fault. Who is being honest and who is being condescending? I'm comfortable. I enjoy debating points with liberals who can do so with dignity and fairness. Will I find that here? I haven't so far...
Rocky, one point and Jen, you're getting a little frisky, simmer down, simmer down;) The Republicans are in overwhelming control, now IT IS YOUR PARTY'S FAULT. Period. You can't blame anymore buddy, but nice try. Seems to me like W's admin. must begin doing something it has failed to do over the last four years...TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR INCOMPETENT AND SHORTMINDED ACTIONS. And for the record, thanks for reminding me that us liberals are intellectually superior, you are an outstanding American. Gotta go and enlighten the world with my superior liberal intelligence........
A little light hearted humor and fun? That beats what I've been getting in responses. Just remember that I have agreed that there has been some incompetence on the Republican side. It wouldn't kill you to admit that Democrats have stymied defense spending and might have a little responsibility here too. If we are going to have any meaningful debate and exchange of ideas, honesty from both sides would be helpful. Neither side has much to toot their horn about.
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