Red Staters Cheer Rise in Population Numbers
A new study was released today indicating that the Red states from the last election seem to be gaining more people yearly than the Blue states, which may mark a sign of Republican dominance in national elections for years to come. While some Republican hacks are licking their chops, the first thing I thought of for us Blue staters is "Great, More Red Mouths to Feed!".
"Years to come"? Actually, we've been dominating the elections pretty well for some time now. But padding the lead won't hurt I guess.
A positive spin for Dems, noted by the linked article, may be:
“The turbulent demographic change occurring in New America makes its political future much more up for grabs,” Frey says. “Two groups which favor Democrats, Hispanics and Gen Xers, are a significant part of (its) recent growth.”
Makes sense. Traditionally, new immigrants or recently immigrated peoples vote Democratic. The Irish, Latinos, the Poles, and Jews come to mind.
The more people move to the Red States, the less right-wing they will be. Look at the map - where people live close to one another in cities, they are more tolerant of people who don't look or act like themselves, and they vote for Democrats. i.e. It's only in a small Red State town where a "man of God" who preaches that "God Hates Fags" can survive.
The red states are basically in the bread basket of the nation. Blue staters tend to be in metropolitan centers. The red states are producing the food, not the blue states. I'm sure there are some conservatives that don't like gays, but don't lump us all in that category. I, for one, don't fit there.
Rock, the reference to more "red state mouths to feed" was to the fact that red states receive the lion's share of welfare and other benefits, which is paid for directly by the deep pockets of the cosmopolitan blue states. Ironically, though, the red states by political definition despise such hand-me-outs.
For further red state/blue state ironies, consult Andrew Sullivan's brilliant article here:
Red State v. Blue State: the most recent -- and most damaging -- legacy of the Electoral College. The new foundation for political stereotypes. The most needed reform in America has two possible faces: (1) abolish the electoral college (preferred option) or (2) assign each state's electoral votes by percentage of the vote (palatable, to appease those who can't abide big, sweeping change). But we gotta do something, if for no other reason than to get outta this RS/BS funk. Johnny Piano
Study your history. The electoral college was instituted to prevent the more populous states from running over the less populated states. It did have a purpose.
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