Easy, Pipes!
Check out this trash from Daniel Pipes. According to Pipes, we should be profiling and registering all Muslims in the U.S. But isn't this sort of like the WWII Japanese internment camps? You bet, says Pipes. And the Japanese Americans deserved it, too.
You think this is the fringe right? Check out the fifth paragraph of this White House Personnel Announcement. Yes, Bush appointed him (via recess appointment) to the U.S. Institute for Peace. Because even your GOP Senate had issues with Pipes' radicalism, Bush had to make an end run around the confirmation process. Here's a little more about Bush's peacemaker.
Now, the man cheering the internment of American Japanese and calling for everyday American Muslims to surrender their rights is the same man directing an organization that will receive $22.1 million of our tax dollars next year. Think about that next time you look at the federal deduction on your paycheck.
You think this is the fringe right? Not anymore, brother. This White House has called rabid slobbering extremism in from the yard, taken off the shock collar, and given it a nice cushy seat right here at the table.
Racial profiling is stupid. Hasn't anyone seen that some AMERICANS have been coopted by Al Quaida? Terrorists can be any race. Stupid people can too!
I agree, Rock. But stupid people shouldn't be appointed by our president to chair federal bodies. But again, stupid is as stupid appoints.
My God. The journey from enlightened liberal to paranoid nazi seems a short one, given how quickly one can become the other. It applies to countries as well as people.
It's been said that the people only rebel when their government makes their lives impossible to tolerate. How far away is that?
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