posted by Abe at 11/14/2004 05:21:00 PM
I wish I had something clever to say about this, but I'm at a loss. Rebekah and I both agree that the expressions on your faces match every one of your personalities perfectly. What (or who) is Pat looking at?
Yeah, what is Pat looking at........
Come on, you know exactly what McKenna's looking at.
Bunch of cartoon characters if you ask me: Laughy, Daffy, Chin-chilla, Limbaugh's spawn, and the Fonze ("the early years").
Ay que feos.....
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I wish I had something clever to say about this, but I'm at a loss. Rebekah and I both agree that the expressions on your faces match every one of your personalities perfectly. What (or who) is Pat looking at?
Yeah, what is Pat looking at........
Come on, you know exactly what McKenna's looking at.
Bunch of cartoon characters if you ask me: Laughy, Daffy, Chin-chilla, Limbaugh's spawn, and the Fonze ("the early years").
Ay que feos.....
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