Continue the Fight!
President Bush, I congratulate you on your first win. Unfortunately, the Democratic party did not have a showing as strong as I would have liked. My party, where have you gone? Its time to regroup and restructure at all levels. I believe many of the so called swing voters cowardly voted on fears, even if they did not like the incumbent. Nonetheless, there is no crying in baseball, and there is certainly no crying in politics.
Senator Kerry, I empathize with you, in the true sense of that word. Its very difficult to see a man who has worked all his life to better the lives of the "have nots", and dedicated so much to this great country, including risking his life in war, lose. I applaud his effort, his courage, and most importantly, his integrity. Senator Kerry hang your head high and continue the fight for your causes because they will always be just.
Its now time to march forward in the face of Republican majorities in both Houses. To the Dems, we must continue to fight the good fight, no matter the odds. To the Republicans, I hope that the division created over the last four years can mend. I fear that it won't by what I have seen and studied in this Administration. I hope that the next war we send our kids to die in, will be just and worth the sacrifice. I hope we can fix the mistake in Iraq. I hope we can focus our resources on the folks that struck us on 9-11, because we owe it to those who died and their families. I want to believe that we can close this ever growing gap where the middle class use to be, because it makes our great Union strong. I want to believe the next few years will cease the policy of giving more and more advantage to the "haves" while increasing work hours and decreasing hourly pay for the "have nots", all the while, ever increasing the incline of the slope we must climb to make it. I hope we can find a way to quit hating gay and lesbians because of our fears of something that is different.
Mr. President, the trophy is yours, the people have voted you into office for the first time. Now run and protect OUR interests. A tough loss this may be for me and my party, but we should all be proud that we got to make a choice, whichever that was for you. When the infamous freedom fighter, Che Guevara had finally met his death, tied and bound laying on the ground in a jungle in South America, with guns pointed at him, his final words were, "Shoot, coward, you're only going to kill a man." The cause will live on my fellow Dems, even with Kerry's end. To the next generation of Liberals, continue the fight to make this great country fair and equal to all! T
Yes, Bush did win!!! Thank God!!!
If you sit back a look at the whole picture, there are a couple of reasons why your party lost in my point of view. I think your party aligned yourselves to much with extreme radical like Michael Moore, George Soros and the Old Clinton entourage. The entertainment elite like Bruce Springsteen, P.Diddy, Dixie Chicks, Pearl Jam who made themselves famous for their entertainment value forgot how they got there. A lot of fans/voters were turned off by their views and it backfired. People will listen if you express your views on positive manners not bashing on Bush constantly. There were 2 types of voters out there. voters, who liked Bush, and voters who hated Bush. The Kerry campaign never made it where it was voters who liked Bush and voters who liked Kerry. If you cant understand it, then you will never understand why your party will continue to be defeated in future elections. You have to stop being bitter about 2000. If you dont take a que from the likes of Senator elect Obama from Illinois who understands what it takes to win, then your party will stay in shambles.
Like you, I am baffled how so many people in this country believed that 'moral values' included supporting a pro-war, pro-death pentalty, anti-gay, pro-corporation, anti-environment, and anti-social programs administration. For me Iraq WAS and IS a moral issue. The death of innocent people is a moral issue. The death of over a 1,000 soldiers is a moral issue.
The evangelical agenda is so clearly against the values of humanity (let alone Christianity) and blazingly indiffernt to the lives of average Americans.
We should take some time to lick our wounds, but we can't get mired down in the horrific results of this election. Instead, we have to work even harder and do a better job of communicating to the 'red states' that Democrats, progressives,moderates, and liberals DO HAVE morals.
And when (not if) Bush tries to exert this radical conservative 'mandate' the next four years, we need to be prepared to stand up and fight.
Chin up Comrades! ;-)
The exit-poll figures on "moral values" puzzled me, as well. The first in this line of comments stated a litany of Bush policies that transgress most of the moral values that are bedrock to our nation. I can only add this: honesty is also a strong moral value and sadly abused by this administration.
Johnny Piano
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