$8,180,000,000,000.00: Economy Almost Out of Zeros, Thanks to Deficit
That is right friends, the big 8.1 TRILLION. Whats next, you ask? 8.1 Quadrillion, 8.1 Quintillion, 8.1 Sextillion, 8.1 Septillion,(I will demand impeachment at this point) Octillion, Nonillion, Decillion, Undecillion, Duodecillion, Tredecillion, Quattuordecillion, Quindecillion, Sexdecillion, Septendecillion, Octodecillion, Novemdecillion,(W. will lobby enough votes to amend the constitution at this point to allow another term and he will win 51% of the vote thanks to hillbilly Republicans, yes that means you too, so don't comment) Vigintillion, Centillion. I just made these numbers up, right?
I know, I know, it was 9-11, stupid me. Thats why we are in Iraq spending hundreds of billions..... If you believe that, I have some great property in Odessa, great ocean view, really cheap.
Yes, I will be the first to admit that I am losing it. Mexico? Who said lets move to Mexico
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