It's Official: Bush First Since Hoover to Have Net Job Loss
Today's job report further bad news for Bush Administration:
From the WS Journal:
Employers added 96,000 jobs to their payrolls in September, fewer than economists forecast for the last employment report before Election Day. The numbers highlight a modest pace of hiring that has become an issue in President Bush's bid for re-election.
Al Hunt opining for the Journal:
The final major economic report before the presidential election was a setback to President Bush and will provide further talking points for challenger John Kerry in tonight's debate.
The government report that only 96,000 jobs were added to the employment ranks last month was bad news for the Bush campaign in at least three ways: it was only about two-thirds as large as expected, the gains actually didn't keep pace with the growth of the population and it assures that Mr. Bush will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to experience a net loss of jobs during his administration....
In the debate tonight, look for Mr. Kerry to note that during the Clinton years an average of 2.8 million jobs were added every year, or about 230,000 a month.
CalPundit can add this to his list.
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