The Draft: A Litmus Test for True Democracy
I support a draft for the war in Iraq. As of last week the Gallup polls showed:
In view of the developments since we first sent our troops to Iraq, do you think the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq, or not?
Yes 47% No 52% No Op%1
All in all, do you think it was worth going to war in Iraq, or not?
Worth going to war 44%
Not worth going to war 54%
No opinion 2 %
This article came out in the New York Times. This is proof that if Bush gets reelected he will go back to breaking every campaign promise just like he did after the 2000 power grab. Essentially, the Selective Service is gearing up for a draft of medical professionals. Considering the increasing and daily casualties of war, we will surely need folks to support the recovery of our troops. I believe an all out draft will be necessary if Bush pursues his ideological march toward American way of life in the world. Yesterday in NJ he spoke about his goal of spreading democracy throughout the middle east:
we will win the war on terror and make America safer by advancing the causeIf President Bush is sincere in his desire to spread democracy and America's way of life across the globe, he better be willing to sacrifice thousands of American lives for it. I think the poor guy just simply screwed up in his assessment of Iraq. He figured we could get in, put American puppets in place at the head of government and then financially benefit from the rich resources. When this did not happen due to the insurgency, he was required to put forth the message that the over one thousand dead troops died for a cause. This cause is to spread democracy across the middle east. Scary thought and if this is not fascism, I don't know what is:
of freedom and democracy. Free societies are hopeful societies, which do
not nurture bitterness, or the ideologies of terror and murder. Free
governments in the broader Middle East will fight the terrorists, instead of
harboring them. And this is why a free Iraq and a free Afghanistan are
vital to peace in that region, and vital to the security interests of our
Victory in the war on terror requires victory in
Iraq. (Applause.) (YES HE REALLY SAID THIS) If a terror regime were allowed to re-emerge in Iraq, the terrorists would find a home, a source of funding and vital support. They would correctly conclude that free nations do not have the will to defend themselves. When Iraq becomes a free society at the heart of the Middle
East, an ally in the war on terror, and a model for hopeful reform in a region
that needs hopeful reform, the terrorists will suffer a crushing defeat and
every free nation will be more secure.
A system of government marked by centralization of authority
suppression of the opposition through censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism.
Our current troop enrollment can not support this far reaching task. I think a draft would be great RIGHT NOW. This way all the folks who support the war will have to take a second look at their opinion. Will they still believe so strongly when it is their 18 year old leaving to fight? Will they vote for Bush when it is their husband, wife or loved one that has the risk of being killed on foreign land only to be flown back in secrecy so as to avoid public disapproval of the countless caskets draped in American Flags. I think that is fair: Look: Trust me, this is not a scare tactic, even though someone like TOD over at CC will surely comment as much. This is the right way to handle this issue in a democracy. Even though I do not agree with the war in Iraq, if public opinion stayed above 50% after a draft begins, I will accept it as the will of the people.
The American people have received one of the largest tax cuts in American history. We live in an age of extreme comfort. Our consumption of natural resources is so selfish and unreasonable. And yes, I do own one of these , so I am part of the problem. Lets sacrifice for this war and if America can still support the war and Bush overall, I will keep my mouth shut, I promise.
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