Conversations with Ben: Jon Stewart
My buddy Ben and I are polar opposites when it comes to everything, how we dress, taste in food, women, leisure, our physical attributes, and our sports teams, but where we differ most is our politics. Most of the time we argue about whether the war in Iraq is just. We began that argument three years ago and still it is the most popular discussion. In the process we've lost our friends, family members, been late for work, forgot to take out the trash, whatever.
Typically, our polemics run for days, sometimes weeks, and never seem to be resolved, with neither one of us ever budging. While I'm no Thomas Jefferson and he's no John Adams, I do think our arguments can be entertaining nonetheless.
Recently, we had a discussion about Jon Stewart's appearance on the political show Crossfire. After Abe posted the transcript, I read it finding it very funny and worth reading. When Abe linked to the video, it got better. I thought for sure that the consensus was that Stewart, the popular antagonist, schooled the hosts of the show, especially the bow-tie wearing co-host Tucker Carlson. I guess not....
RUDY: Did you hear about Jon Stewart on Crossfire?
BEN: I read portions of the stewart transcript on drudge. Stewart is a total jackass. He is as intelligent as a "jay walker" on Leno. He throws out cliches like they are facts. I love the fact that his ratings have dropped.
RUDY: Everyone is raving about his appearance on the show. I thought he made some
intelligent points and effectively attacked the Crossfire hosts on their own show (who does that?). In fact, it was pretty hilarious even though Stewart intended it to be a serious discussion.
I don't know about your cliché statement but if they are clichés, then he makes pretty effective use of clichés. In fact, by your reasoning, anyone can be as funny as long as he is throwing out clichés. You should write a book Maybe I'll go on the road using every known cliche so I can be famous like Stewart.
By the way, interesting to note that his show is a FAKE news comedy show.
You conservatives should not feel threatened by a FAKE news show that follows a bunch of puppets making prank phone calls. I remember Henry (our mutual friend) saying once that Stewart's show was the Left's answer to Fox News. I'm not quite sure what that says about Fox News;) or, I guess, the Left.
I think based on its popularity alone, there's a place for the show, like "Not
Necessarily the News" in the 1980s and that news segment on SNL with Dennis Miller. It's as if people are attempting to escape the seriousness and dullness of the news by flocking to the Daily Show without escaping the news entirely.
In fact, CNN and MSNBC have tried to steal the Daily Show's thunder by integrating a
comedy segment in their shows. I believe Larry King has something similar, which seems oddly out of place.
BEN: It is fake, but as you have learned and know now the masses are asses. I am not worried about people like you and Carl watching it because you two are intelligent and can decipher, hopefully, the fake. However, he has become a news source for many and those folks do not know that he is a comedian espousing b.s.
On your point of comedy, I think Carlson is a real comedian. The left loves him. In fact, Bill Maher, called him the best conservative who actually stands on values. Carlson was a big supporter of the war in Iraq and when we didn't find WMD's he changed positions. Many on the left, including his co-hosts Begala and Carville, applauded him and mentioned he was intellectually honest. I believe that last part, intellectually honest, is the key to this election and why Kerry doesn't appeal to people. Dean, whom I totally disagree with, was intellectually honest. Gephard and Lieberman were also honest. Kerry, on the other hand, has had every position known in mankind on Iraq and many, many social issues. It's not Kerry's position that some disagree with because after all whether you support the war or are against it, John Kerry agrees with you.
RUDY: A poll taken states that viewers of the show are smarter and more knowledgeable of the issues than those that are not viewers of the show. It's important to note that you can't get the jokes unless you are knowledgeable about the issues. It's just an undeniable fact. It's like law
school: we joked about cases all the time (hairy hand, state qua state, "I'm going to 12-b-6 your ass," etc.) and found the jokes hilarious but outsiders (i.e., normal people), looked at us in horror and thought we were incredible nerds with no lives and definitely didn't get our jokes, no matter what the explanation.
BEN: Making fun of someone's english or lack thereof, is not being knowledgeable about the issues. Maiking (sic) fun of one's stances on issues with soundbites and showing the contradiction is not being knowledgeable about issues. Showing clips of someone's reaction is not being knowledgeable about issues. Further, please provide me the poll that backs your assertion. I highly doubt what you are saying is true and I don't believe such a poll exists.
RUDY: Ben, I truly appreciate your candor, but seriously SHUT UP until you have all the facts, you embarrass yourself, and me, for knowing you. A couple of links as you requested, my ignorant friend....
I like this one the most, stating that viewers of Daily Show are more
educated than those of the O'Reilly Factor (may want to switch your
shows you say a lot about yourself):
Business Journal
One on Daily Show's gaining popularity:
Boston Globe
Do you need some more....because there are plenty.
BEN's reply: [Insert Crickets]
That was several days ago and I haven't heard from him since. I wonder if he's okay....
Jon Stewart is right and I am surprised your buddy Ben is so offended. If you look at what Stewart was saying, he was essentially taking shots on both sides. It is BS the way the huge media outlets present the issues of the day. I suppose the question an intelligent person is left with after listening to Stewart's assessment of the media establishement is: can it be changed? The quesion Ben is left with is how can I tear down this liberal. But then again, that is exactly what Stewart pokes fun at.........
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