It's Unanimous Then...
We at 2GL recently noted the stomp of the Kerry campaign ad in which McCain (2000 incarnation) told Bush he should be ashamed of his support for despicable and personal attacks on McCain's service record. McCain has asked Kerry to stop using the footage (doesn't look very good for McCain, given that he is out stumping for Bush now), and Kerry has honored McCain's wishes. Too bad. It was a powerful ad.
But should Bush have been ashamed of himself, as McCain directly charged in 2000?
Despite his new support for Bush (future cabinet position?), McCain's still got to be pissed about the new lows the Bush campaign reached in 2000. And, despite his request that Kerry stop using the footage, McCain did not say that he no longer things Bush should be ashamed.
Of course, the look on Bush's face at the end of the ad suggests that the man knew he should be ashamed.
Now we learn that even Bob Dole, in his new role as toothless GOP attack dog, thinks McCain was right.
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