Bush's Shame
Still more debunking of Those Who Bush Refuses To Condemn. Remember, folks, this is a group your President is using to gain political points.
McCain is right. He should be ashamed.
Still more debunking of Those Who Bush Refuses To Condemn. Remember, folks, this is a group your President is using to gain political points.
Viva La Re-Election! Bush for four more years.
Yes, TOD, he did, but as Abe states, he also should be ashamed.
Why doesnt John Kerry condemn the so call mockumentary Far Left 9/11. Isnt that a so called political attack ad!!!
Let's just condemn everything and everyone. The candidates should issue blanket condemnation statements that include any other opinion other than their own and their runningmates'. This edict would encompass Fox News, CNN, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, Drudge, Hunter S. Thompson, Rush Limbaugh, the butcher down the street, my uncle dave, Super Dave, the UPS guy, my barber, Brutus the Barber, Judge Judy, Judge Dredd, Rupaul, Paul Wolfowitz, Pee-wee Herman, Pee-wee Reese, Gary Coleman, the Backstreet Boys, Whoopi Goldberg, Sigfried and Roy, Chevy Chase, and Dick Van Dyck.
We're getting into Free-Speach issues now. These 527 ads are not "Officially" associated directly with any particular candidate. However, they are directed for or against a specific candidate. It would behoove both candidates to publically seperate themselves from these ads, in fact President Bush already has. As far as the President being ashamed...What should he be ashamed for? Should he be ashamed that Free-Speach is alive and well in America? Until, there is a Federal Law that makes it illegal for these groups to run ads, I suspect they will continually get worse and worse. Even though I don't particularly agree with what most of these groups are putting out there, it would be far worse if they were not free to do so.
Free speech alive and well? Do we not still have the Patriot Act hovering above us like Damocles's sword? Is it as free as the speech is at Republican political rallys? Abe had an interesting post just recently in that regard. Has anyone been to a political demonstration lately in Washington, DC? Apply for a permit, we'll see where they fence you in? Good luck in Anacostia.
I don't think I'm going out on a limb to state that the freeness of speech these days hasn't been this restricted in a long time.
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