That Goofy Old Party
A few weeks ago, Al Gore gave an extraordinarily intelligent speech about the misguided leadership of President Bush. In that speech, he called for the resignation of numerous Bush Administration officials who have made very public, very obvious, and very detrimental mistakes. One of those officials has since resigned. The right wing (even typically-reasonable TOD) called him crazy, unhinged, said he'd officially lost it, etc. Noticeably absent was a willingness to take on Vice President Gore on the substance of what he said. They said he screamed like Dean. That was it. Even that was wrong. Everyone who actually watched the speech knows that Gore was soft spoken throughout the speech, and raised his voice only when passionately calling for the resignations.
Yeah, that crazy Democratic Party. Imagine actually calling for the resignation of Administration officials. How about calling for the resignation of the President himself?
Well, let me tell you what I think is crazy and unhinged, and I mean in substance. I think it is crazy to call for the imposition of felony penalties for anyone issuing a marriage license or performing a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple. I think it is absurd to call for the United States to rescind its membership in the U.N. and physically evict the U.N., which is headquartered in New York, from U.S. soil. Calling for the disbanding of the IRS? That's ridiculous. Openly advocating the abolishment of all minimum wage protections? Unhinged. Calling for the re-unification of Church and State (that's Christian church, y'all) can only be the product of unstable minds.
Sure, but what radical fringe group openly supports all of those crazy ideas? That would be the Republican Party of Texas, which spawned your President. That's right. All this lunacy is in their official platform for 2004.
No word yet as to whether some of their more choice proposals from the 2000 platform survived, i.e. teach creationism in public schools, use military force to retake the Panama Canal, and strip the Supreme Court of its ability to decide the constitutionality of laws about abortion, religion, or anything else related to the Bill of Rights.
In thirty years, these people will be embarrassed by this. Their only defense will be temporary insanity.
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