CC continues to bottom feed
[UPDATE-It's funny how time (as well as Ann Coulter) has a way of fogging the facts. It's well-documented that the Reagan administration was firmly split between the hardliners and the pragmatists with George Shultz and James Baker personifying the latter.
To quote Peter Robinson, former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan:
Well, there was a constant tension in the Reagan White House between these groups of people. Now, I wondered, 'Why does the president have those pragmatists around?' Incidentally, I'm sure the pragmatists wondered why he put up with speechwriters like us. But, there's a certain inherent…you know the Gospel tell us to be innocent as doves, but also wise as serpents and it's important to understanding the way Ronald Reagan conducted himself as president to remember that he was a union president. What does a union president do? He stakes out a position and when he has to he cuts the best deal he can. Just so, in the White House, Ronald Reagan was using us speechwriters, us true believers, to stake out his position, to move the public, to claim the moral high ground. But then when it came the moment when he had to deal with Congress or with the Soviets, he'd send in the pragmatists and get the best deal that he could. So there was a certain…He was never a wild-eyed ideologue, he was a shrewd and practical man who was working with reality as it came to him to do the best for the country that he could.
He should probably know, Ann.]
Bro, don't be Coulterbaited. Coulterbaiting (Coulterbation?) sounds uncannily like the last hollers from a sinking ship full of ideologues. Just let it go down, my man. Let it go down.
I'll heed your advice. Thanks.
Achilles absent, was Achilles still.
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