The Broken Record President
Just when you thought we had conclusively and collectively determined that President Bush deceived us about Saddam's terrorist connections, he comes out with this bold new coherent statement bolstered by additional evidence and solid reasoning... right. From earlier today:
He was a threat because he had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. He was a threat because he was a sworn enemy of the United States of America, just like al- Qaeda. He was a threat because he had terrorist connections.
See? He's like al-Qaeda (both bad guys)!
And by "connections", he means isolated incidents of contact that led to no corroborative efforts. I wonder who had more "connections" that actually led to collaboration -- Saddam and "terrorists" or Saddam and Donald Rumsfeld & Co. back in the 80's.
President Bush is going to keep recycling the same tired pap until he loses the election in November. Maybe he'll keep on after that. Years down the road when he's tottering in a rocker back in Texas, an aging embarassment to this country, neighbor to a happily married gay couple, he'll be heard to mutter again and again...
"See, he was like al-Qaeda, see. A threat to Amurca. See, he was sorta like a terrist. He was gay, see. Gotta understand, I was a war president, wasn't i Laura? Yeah, I was. A war president. A threat because he met this guy, see... the guy was a terrist! See, he wished he had nuculer stuff. He really wished it. A threat, see. A threat."
I heard a brief quote by Bush on the radio today. He used the word "suiciders." I though, how moronic. Come to find out, he uses the word a lot. Johnny Piano
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