Why I watch American Idol, and other ramblings
TOD at Calvary Charge asks, what do you guys see in this thing [Idol]?
CC is absolutely right about last night's American Idol and totally justified in asking why I waste my time watching it. I wasn't going to blog about Idol today but CC deserves some explanation.
First, why I watch Idol: in simplest terms, my girlfriend. Why I have been consumed with it to the point I publish rambling blogs on it: well, I've always liked watching karaoke at bars but only as a spectator. The funniest things happen. Those people get so into it, plus they're usually sauced. Some actually do circuits around the city and have prepared material.
Especially in the first couple of rounds, a lot that you see at karaoke nights you see on Idol (exhibit A, your honor, William Hung). After that, you're hooked. You first watch for comedic value and then you begin rooting for certain people, like any reality show. As it goes along, you try predicting the finish and so on.
Second, to address last night, it was abysmal, as Simon is known to say, a complete bore. Problem #1: horrible theme. At its worst, "big band" night was a bad idea if there ever was one: teenage pop singers crooning was destined to flop.
At its best, "big band" night was designed for one contestant only and that contestant was John Stevens who was bounced last week. (John was this prepubescent redheaded one-trick pony who could only sing Sinatra songs. B/c he was different he had throngs of fans who religiously voted for him allowing him to stay longer than he deserved.)
Problem #2, all the personality has been eliminated from the show. Although admittedly they were far from the best singers in the lot, John Peter Lewis, John Stevens, Jen Hudson, even that dufus Kango-hat wearing football player made you laugh either from their unpredictable singing, Elaine-from-Seinfeld-esque dancing or general nerdiness. Thus, the lack of freakshows has made for a boring one-hour show.
Now, we are left with:
Fantasia who is tremendously gifted;
Latoya who is nice to look at and finally put in a winning performance last night but is as boring as my stapler;
George Huff, who can't stop his facial contortions or his over exuberance but nonetheless is one of the last cut from the same cloth as JPL, Stevens, etc;
Jasmine, who just reminds me of all the ditzy sorority girls I met in college (ummm, I'm really, really excited to be at your party, thank you so so much......). While it was a good move to lose the flower, why were you wearing jeans and those gaudy 80s chains from your waist for such a formal night, for such serious songs?
Diana, I hate to say it but can anyone say Miss Piggy. That dress! Decent voice and filled with bubbly but nothing there. I don't know what the judges see in her. Must be a performing-live thing.
Anyway, that's the sum of it. I hope I answered your questions, or reasoned why Superstar and I aren't entirely crazy. If the show doesn't pick up a little bit, I may end up abandoning it just like you seem to be. But for now, I just hope a little of the old black magic returns.
Prediction for tonight: bye-bye Jasmine.
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