Trains Vulnerable
Our subway system is gradually upping its security precautions in light of a potential terrorist attack leading up to the Nov. election. From today's Post:
The Department of Homeland Security issued its first anti-terror directive for the nation's commuter rail and subway systems yesterday, calling for wide-ranging precautions including checks of unattended bags, bombproof trash receptacles and the use of explosive-sniffing dogs.
Although I rarely use the Metro opting to cycle in to work, I did notice a security posting about unattended bags and suspicious activity. It said: If you notice a person leave a bag, kindly ask the person near it, "Is that your bag?" If the bag is unclaimed, please contact a station attendant."
Hmmmm. I'm not sure if this attitude is going to work, "kindly ask the person"? In London, at Heathrow, in the underground, if you leave a bag, the bomb squad swiftly comes by and blows it up. That's how you deal with unattended bags. The Brits have seen enough terrorism over the years to know how to prevent it.
"Kindly"? Kindly is for nights out at the theatre or dinner with Barbara at Spago. Quit beating around the bush. Listen sir stooge, if you don't want your fine Corinthian leather briefcase to be blown to smithereens, don't leave it on the seat behind you. That's all. End of story.
You need to put the fear of God into these people. Only then will they truly change their behavior.
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