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Kerry/McCain would trounce Bush/Cheney ticket.
Although I'd cherish the day that this would ever become reality, I can't see it happening. McCain initially receptive to the idea has become more and more dismissive. (I saw him a couple of weeks ago on the Daily Show.)
My take on it is that it would be political suicide. Assuming a Kerry/McCain victory in '04, then what? Kerry/McCain in '08? McCain for president in '12? As a Democrat? That would probably upset his Arizona constituency. And where does Hillary factor into the scenario? I thought she was running in '08.
Would McCain be willing to risk it all just for a position as vice-president? Despite VP Cheney's unparalleled usurpation of power from the second chair, I still doubt McCain would find much utility out of it. He currently wields great power as a Senatorial wild card. He'd just become part of the establishment as Veep.
Then again, it may be his only opportunity at higher office. To his own party, he's already a pariah. How long will he be satisfied just being a outcast GOP senator from a smaller state?
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