But I Sure Know Where I've Been...
Late night at work researching mechanic's liens against ground leasees in Missouri (any input appreciated), so I ordered some delicious kung pao from Big Bowl to mack in the office. In the elevator on the way down to pick up my delicious food, I was getting my cash all ready (how much do you tip for delivery? is there a standard?) when I noticed this purple stamp on one of my dollar bills:
See where I've been
Track where I go next
Well, I'll tell you, I bounded down the escalator like an elk, tipped the man 10% (is that cheap?) and ran back up here to my office to find out just where this crazy vagabond dollar had been. Answer: Nappannee, Indiana.
This is a little disappointing. I was hoping that dollar # D 55829236 C had more to tell me. Like what it was like to be signed by Paul O'Neill, maybe. Or how its all seeing pyramid symbol had been worshipped by an Opus Dei cult in New York City. At least I hoped it had travelled from coast to coast or been used to buy drugs or something.
Nope. None of that. Instead, it was stamped, along with 217 other bills by a woman named Dawn in Nappannee who works in greenhouses and is "CrAzY for JESUS!" Dawn's little message in a bottle campaign hasn't really paid off so well yet. Only nine people have been curious enough to see where their buck came from. That's including me.
I must say, though, that I am somewhat impressed that the former owner of this dollar once owned a bubble-eyed goldfish.
In any event, I've got to get back to the mechanic's lien. As my fortune cookie says, my "ability for accomplishment will follow with success." Whatever the aitch that means.
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